Funding Summary
Funding Summary
Awarded (total across all grants/gifts): $3,266,723
Flathmann Allocation at Clemson: $838,659
External PI, Co-I, \& Senior Personnel (Active)
Minimizing the Impact of Cognitive and Physical Limitations from Humans and Autonomy Through the Development, Training, and Implementation of Human-Autonomy Teaming in Underwater Environments. ONR. (Co-PI, 30\%) \textbf{\$1,095,901}
Collaborative Research: FW-HTF-RL: The Future of Aviation Inspection: Artificial Intelligence and Mixed Reality as Agents of Transformation. NSF. (Senior Personnel, 17\%) $1,558,433
Collaborative Research: FW-HTF-RL: The Future of Aviation Inspection: Artificial Intelligence and Mixed Reality as Agents of Transformation. NSF. (Senior Personnel) $1,558,433
Synchronizing Collaborations for Human-Autonomy Teaming and Ethical Autonomy Use. AFOSR DURIP. (Co-PI) $612,389
Funded Proposal I have Supported the Creation of
The Spread of Trust and Distrust in Distributed Human-Autonomy Teaming Constellations. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. $1,302,657
Connecting and Leveraging Physical and Digital Dimensions to Advance Human-Autonomy Teaming. Office of Naval Research DURIP. $295,792
Promoting Human Interpretation and Interaction to Mitigate Bias in Artificial Intelligence Assisted Decision Aids. Office of Naval Research. $444,368
Considerations of Ethical and Unethical Behavior on Trust in Human-Autonomy Teaming. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. $586,538